What I am working on and Colorado State!

I write this post as a record for myself and to share any training tips that may be helpful to others.  If you think it may help you give the tip a try.  As a baseline, I am a 200/200/20 shooter, that is 200 mls reaction time, 200 mls draw time and 20 mls flight time. For 2021, my best bracket time is a .420 which is consistent with 200/200/20 for a .420.

The Draw:  I am trying to stand more upright and to draw closer to the holster.  Standing more upright moves the muzzle forward which helps with rule 17. I would like to get the cylinder just above the boot of the holster.  That would put the muzzle several inches in front of the lip.  What I am trying to do is make my draw more compact.  Less motion should be quicker.  I practice with a laser into a mirror at 8 feet.  I can see my draw.  If the laser hits me in the waist, it would be a hit in the light.  I am striving for a draw time of 180 milliseconds or less.  It is difficult to go from a dry fire draw to the competitive draw.  I just have to continue to try and replace the old with the new.

Post command technique:  I am again trying finalize a technique after  the set command that I have observed Thirsty and Rodeo using. I tried it several years ago and was not satisfied with the consistency. However, lately most of my best draws come using it, so I will give it another try. When I say "best" I am not necessarily saying quickest, I am saying smoothest, most accurate, and just feels the best. I hope to get my reaction time into the 150 mls range. In the last two weeks in competitive matches I have hit a .266, a .267 and a .281 using it.

Hand Judging:  Most hand  judges would call anticipation on those times not because what they see but because what they "think" happened.  With a draw time of 180 to 200 mls those draws clearly started 40 to 80 mls after the light came on.  My suggestion is "Don't call something you did not see!"

Goals:  A realistic goal for me would be to be a 180/180/23 shooter by the end of the summer.  I am capable of shooting world record times, but the question is can I shoot them at 80% accuracy.  Remember using the system, 80% is just average.


Colorado State:  The event started with a jackpot shoot. I lost the first round shooting 20%, but then struggled to a third place finish in a 2 x event.  Holli noted that I was leaning way back which is my old stance. It is also hard on my hips. I made a note to shoot my new stance the next day. In the Jackpot I had a rating of 1.1 to 1.2 which normally will put you near the top.


The first day of the main match I shot okay but periodically reverted back to my old stance. I probably had a rating of about 1.30 on first day and was clean at the end of the day. 

Championship day started with brackets, I was put in the Master Gunfighter bracket. In the first 3 or 4 rounds I reverted to the old stance and my hip was giving out. I shot 20-30% for a rating of .78 to .88 because of the unstable stance.  I then dry fired about 15 draws with the new stance and committed to using it.  I finished third in the Master Gunfighter bracket of 32 fastest shooters there.


By the start of the main match I was tuned in with the new stance. For the next three rounds, I shot at a 1.58 clip. Speed index of .58 (1-.42) and accuracy of 100%.  I won three matches with 9 shots.  Going into round 11, I was clean having a 2x lead over the field.  Then I drew Shady. 


Ego demands a hefty price!   I knew Shady was going to be quick and he was. He hit 30 mls quicker than he had all event long.  I tried to race him saying "he ain't going beat me on speed" and reverted to my old stance. I think he put me down in 4 shots.  I then lost two matches to top five shooters probably shooting in between the new and old stance.  Had I stuck with the system and shot average I would have won one or both of those matches.  (Averge being 1.38, i.e. .58+.80).


Magnificent Shoot Off:  I was seeded 5th and was the slowest in the field by at  least 60 mls. Just for fun, I decided to shoot the shift.  I really wanted a WR against Quick Cal but it was not to be.  The shift is not ready for prime time yet but I am working on it.  I was about 20 mls quicker but never was able to go with the light.  I need to intregrate the shift with the new stance.  I finished 3rd winning two matches before Quick Cal got me.

Guess "I am just a good 3rd place shooter!"

Starting anew with a coach:   I have recruited a coach whether he likes or not. We tested the new stance and found that the five shot average was 232/170/20 which puts me at a .422.  It was remarkable that the reaction time was within a millisecond of 232 on all five shots.  Most common draw time was 165.  With the shift, I hope to get reaction time in the 80-200 mls range. An 80 mls reaction time would be a .265.  One can dream, but that would be an anticipation by rule even though it is 80 mls after the light.


Remember call what you see, not what you think you saw! 


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