
I write this post to encourage you to persevere with the system. If you do you will become a tough gunfighter.  Saturday the  Rio Salado Vaqueros held their club match at Pioneer. It was a tough field with many State and Territorial Champions, Mag 7 shooters, and CFDA Top Guns in attendance.

I started slow hitting only 50% for a gunfighter rating (GR) of 1.05 against a shooter I normally handle easily and lost the match.  That caused a doubt in my mind and I hit only 20%, GR .75, in the second match losing again.  I then got back to the system and shot with a gunfighter rating of 1.35 the rest of the day winning the next 5 matches. For the shoot-offs I was seeded  6th.  If I had shot just average in the first two matches, I would have won with ease and been seeded 1st.

The shooter I lost to in the first match was seeded 8th and I hand judged him in the shoot-offs. I noted he had shot 56 rounds for the day. I shot 35 rounds for 9 matches. He is a good shooter but on average he only shoots at a gunfighter rating of 1.0 (Speed index .6 plus accuracy .4), In the shoot-offs I was shooting at 1.35 (.55+.80) and won the match.  He has not progressed to championship level because he only trains for speed. Because he is not chunking data he does not have the ability the make those small incremental adjustments to be competitive.

I then had to shoot the 5th seed, a many time territorial champion, who in the match against me shot at 1.62 (.62+1.0). Three shots and I am out even shooting at a 1.35 clip.

The 5th seed then shoots the 4th seed who is a CFDA Top Gun. The 5th seed mind fails him. He looses confidence and begins to shoot low left off the target. I am hand judging him and believe I could have walked him to the target but did not say anything because I did not want to disrupt his mental processes. The Top Gun is not shooting much better but wins the match. He goes on to win the event.

Of the top 8 shooters 3 of them train together. Their training is exclusively for speed.  Generally, they lack the ability to walk the hits to the light.  They are unable to make the small adjustments required in a gunfight.

In the Alleluia System we are training to see every hit.  We let our subconscious make those small adjustments that are so important. If we shoot as we train we will get better and better as the day goes on.  In my second match I did not shoot the system. I was making conscious adjustments which were too large. I shot like a novice circling the target.  It is difficult to shoot the system throughout the day. There will be times when you lose your focus and do not shoot the system. But persevere, the system will take you to the top of most events.  Even then, you may run into a quicker shooter who is on.  It matters not whether you win or lose, it only matters if you have shot up to your potential and ability.


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