Speed, Accuracy, and Gunfigther's Myths
We do not practice accuracy. All of our practice is speed work. When you are doing training you should go as fast as you can go comfortably. You are finalizing your draw and the draw you want to finalize is your quickest draw. Whenever you change your draw, you have to go back and refinalize the new draw. You do not need the clock to do this. Time does not matter. You will get quicker and quicker the more you do this. The reason we do not practice accuracy is because it can not be done. Accuracy comes from a finalized draw and shooting from the subconscious. Shooting the same each and every time without thinking. If you try to hit the target or hit a specific location on the target, you are shooting from the frontal lobe. That slows you down and causes you to miss. "Any thought changes the expert into a novice." The Sports Gene. We want to finalize our draw to the extend that we will hit the same location in same time with every shot....