
Yesterday Shady and I had a pretty good training session. We did two Shady/Ruah speed runs (5/10/15). The first 10 matches between us were all within 2 milliseconds or less, all in the 3s. Pretty evenly matched gunslingers. After the second speed run, because I have been neglecting my bucket work, I drew a 5 inches circle target areas on the targets and we shot16 rounds each. We both shot almost identical groups. The interesting thing is that on average I was 10 milliseconds slower when there was a target area drawn on the target. I was speed training, drawing the same, trying to go as fast as I could, but that target area drawn on the target was an additional stressor on me which slowed me down by 10 mls. We have always noted that as we move away from the target our times slow down far more than they should just based on the distance that we moved back. From 5 feet to 10 feet the extra travel time for the bullet is only 1.5 milliseconds. Our times slow 10 to 15 tim...