
Showing posts from April, 2019

Tennis Anyone - Verdict is in!

I had a chance to watch the tennis semifinals between Federer and Shapavalov.  It was a match of the veteran champion against a young player.  From my observation each look to be about the same in skill, power, finesse and yet Federer won the match easily in two sets (best two out of three).  I don't think the young player lacked anything, he looked to be more powerful on the serve and could make all of the shots as well as Federer.  From what I could see Shapavalov's great shots were just a little too great.  His great shots were sometimes just a little too wide or a little too long or his drop shots were just a little too soft.  Federer on the other hand was just steady. His great shots were well in, his drop shots were adequate.  He just played his game and let Shapavalov make the errors.  The difference from my observation was that Shapavalov was just trying too hard. I think this happens in fastdraw a lot.  Sometimes we just try too hard.  Most often it happens when we c