Competition Ready or A Bad Day on the Bucket!
Well, the 2019 season is about to begin. Saturday is the Winter Range Arizona Jackpot Shoot soon to be followed by the season's titled matches. Do not be dishearten if you have a rough go of it for a bit. Remember to shoot the system. Everyone draws a better shooter on occasion or loses focus for a time. Persevere. The system is progressive. You train to get progressively better. You will improve as the day or event goes on. While others get frustrated, you will shoot better and better. You can tune yourself up for events. Get competition ready. One of the best ways to do that is several days before the event have a bad day on the bucket. Shoot 50 rounds on the bucket, by yourself, no light. Take away the stress of hitting. Take away the stress of the timer. Just draw and fire. Draw as quick as you can. Your natural ability will come forth. Those perfect draws! Think about what this is doing. You are finalizing your draw wi...