
Showing posts from February, 2019

Competition Ready or A Bad Day on the Bucket!

Well, the 2019 season is about to begin. Saturday is the Winter Range Arizona Jackpot Shoot soon to be followed by the season's titled matches.  Do not be dishearten if you have a rough go of it for a bit. Remember to shoot the system. Everyone draws a better shooter on occasion or loses focus for a time.  Persevere.  The system is progressive. You train to get progressively better. You will improve as the day or event goes on.  While others get frustrated, you will shoot better and better. You can tune yourself up for events. Get competition ready. One of the best ways to do that is several days before the event have a bad day on the bucket.  Shoot 50 rounds on the bucket, by yourself, no light.  Take away the stress of hitting. Take away the stress of the timer. Just draw and fire.  Draw as quick as you can.  Your natural ability will come forth.  Those perfect draws! Think about what this is doing.  You are finalizing your draw wi...

Stirring the Pot

I was bored and posted a comment about quarter matches with little response. A quarter match is the WFPG.  The organizers have tried to eliminate accuracy, mental toughness, luck of the draw from the competition so that the only factor left is speed, so it is really just 1/4 of a CFDA match, hence a quarter match.  To me it seems to be a noncompetitive speed exhibition. Shady and I have had a disagreement for quite some time whether shooting blockers would be helpful for the CFDA shooter.  I always thought that seeing every hit was so important that shooting blockers would be helpful.  However, in December I attend a qualifying session at the camp.  As the day went on I got worst and worst until I finally quit in disgust. Maybe Shady is right.  I am not fully convinced yet, but do know that it is just the opposite of the system.  With the system you should get better and better as the day goes on, not worst and worst. The Texas State should be a good...

I need a little help.

There are studies that indicate to become proficient at a skill, one must expend 10,000 hours practicing the skill.  Well, I don't have 10,000 hours left in me.  The skill I am concerned with is the ability to draw on the light or with the light.  How do we improve our reaction time.  That is where I can make the greatest improvement.  I know the various methods of trying to improve reaction time but as of this date none have been productive for me. I am trying to develop a grip that would be hooked to the light like a sensor and when I pressed the hammer on the simulated grip it would register a time like the sensor does a hit. I have tried a button but that will not work because the button completes or beaks a circuit whereas the sensor send an impulse. I am looking for something that would work with CFDA timer through the light.  Any suggestions on how to fabricate such a grip sensor? You are probably saying why don't he just draw on the light and sh...